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Easy chicken and chickpea curry and a potpourri of ailments (

Heres my recipe for an easy chicken and chickpea curry, and a rural anecdote about our new year ailments, human and animal.


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Posted by The Healthy Epicurean

After 20 years as a freelance journalist/marketing consultant, I decided to study naturopathy and gained a diploma in Natural Health Education and Consultation from the AMCC.
I have since become an enthusiastic advocate of ‘real’, nutritious and tasty food. The food I usually prepare is probably best described as a healthy, spiced-up take on traditional French fare.
Although I try to cook using wholesome, healthy ingredients most of the time, I strongly believe that these criteria shouldn’t ever detract from the enjoyment of food. So don’t be surprised if, from time-to-time you see the odd recipe that isn’t strictly 100% healthy. In my opinion, like chicken soup, occasional decadence is good for the soul. 😉
Having lived in the UK, USA and now France for the past 30 years, I have eclectic culinary tastes. I live in the ‘Landes’ area of Gascony, south-western France. My main, extremely discerning ‘guinea pigs’ are my French husband and son. The dogs (neurotic) and chickens (much chased, ergo also neurotic) are secondary ‘guinea pigs’. I’m proud to say that I invariably meet with their approval. Our horses, however, remain dedicated vegans, which doesn’t make them too saintly to escape from their field on a weekly basis.
I love to ride, hike, ski, cook, take photos, write and talk. I do yoga every day and am trying to love it; for the moment my bad back is very keen and I’m sure at some point my mind will follow. 😉 I am also prone to sporadic ranting (maybe the yoga will sort this out?)


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